Legal Note – PQRS
By virtue of Law 1581 of 2012, Law 1266 of 2008 and Decree 1377 of 2013, through this document; and acting with full powers, I expressly authorize AGRÍCOLA HIMALAYA S.A. (NIT. No. 890.326.050-8), to collect, transfer, store, use, circulate, delete, update and transmit the personal data provided, in order to receive, process, respond, resolve and store requests, complaints , claims and suggestions (PQRS) filed, and, in general, to what is established in the PURPOSES chapter of the Habeas Data and Data Protection protection policies, which are published on the website: www.agricolahimalaya.com. The owner of information has the right to know, update and rectify their personal data, and, only in appropriate cases, to delete them or revoke the authorization granted for their treatment. Additionally, the owner of the information is assisted by the rights enshrined in article 8 of Law 1581 of 2012, and can exercise them through the channels provided by AGRÍCOLA HIMALAYA S.A. for public attention. For its part, AGRÍCOLA HIMALAYA S.A., puts at your disposal the hotline 6410717, the email info@agricolahimalaya.com and the offices at Calle 15 # 31A – 33, Bodegas 1, 2 y 3 – Centro Industrial Palmaseca Acopi – Yumbo, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.